How to make money with Pop up ads in 2024
If you are not a newbie on the Internet you must have seen pop-up windows offering something. Popads banner has ever caught each user at least once? Actually, huge outreach and great volumes are the peculiarities of pop up advertising. Is it possible to earn on pop ads? The answer is YES!
“Pops campaign? Oh no, it’s too old and doesn’t work nowadays in modern marketing!” Guys, you are wrong! Pop ads are still alive! Pop up ads help to earn money for a lot of marketers. Popunder traffic advertising is something that anyone can deal with, of course, if they know the keys.
This article will dwell on what popups, popunders, and clickunders are, where to buy and how to earn on pop ads in 2024.
A short history of Pops ads
Let’s have a short walk into history. Pops advertising is one of the oldest types of web ads. And is it still alive? Yes, sure! Good things never went away.
Everything began in 1997 when the first small window popped up on the page of Ethan Zuckerman created it.
The main idea was to catch as much attention as possible and add an ad space on the page. The idea was great, but the execution was a little bit annoying. Some of the banners were programmed to run away from the cursor or were too hard to close. Early 2000s made this ad format a lousy reputation. The good news is the following: times change, so do ad formats. Pops advertising was reborn like a phoenix from super annoying windows that were hard to close into a profitable ad format. Now it’s time to tell you how to make money with pop up ads.
What are popups, and popunders?
First, let’s deal with the terms. Pops, popups, popunders, and clickunders: what does it all mean? Is it the same thing or not? You will know the answer in just a minute!
Let’s start from the very beginning: a new window that appears up or under the opened window is an example of pop ads or popup advertising (=pops).
Depending on the spot where the pop appears they are divided into:
popup — a new tab appears over the page you’ve been on;
popunder or clickunder — a new tab appears under the initial page.
As you have already understood, popup is the most aggressive form of pops ads. It has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, their intruding helps to achieve high ROI. But on the other hand, this format can be too annoying, so the users will close the popups even without seeing the content.
In comparison with popups, the idea of using popunders looks much more attractive. This type of pops has a higher possibility to be seen. After finishing their own tasks the user will notice the popup and may get interested in its content. At this point, they are more likely to look into the offer rather than when they are interrupted in the middle.
Clickunder is also a type of pop ads. The difference with popunder is that a user gets to the offer page not after closing the pop-up window, but when he clicks on any place on the site. The thing is that the site with a clickunder has an overlaid grid on top of the main window, it is not visible to the user, however, when he clicks on it, the script redirects him to a new tab with an offer.
Both types of pops show nice results if the offer is proper. Mind the offer’s peculiarities while choosing between popup and popunder and looking for an appropriate pop ads network.